Blackhawk Interview
We’re amped for our upcoming show with Blackhawk! If you haven’t bought tickets yet, now is you last chance, follow the link below.
How Do You Find Playing at the Grizzly Rose?
The Grizzly Rose is an iconic venue and always a pleasure to play. The faithful Denver BH fans are always very supportive.
What’s the story behind the name ‘Blackhawk’?
There really not much of a story. It’s a name that was seen on the side of a truck and the idea occurred to us to name the band that.
You guys have had a very successful career in country music spanning over two decades and selling millions of albums. What is the single most important lesson you’ve learned about music and/or life from your experiences so far?
Well my career spans 40 plus years and I’ve grown to understand the value of our fans and have enjoyed them on a more personal level now that the hustle has quieted down a little.
How did the passing of Van Stephenson impact you on a personal and professional level?
Well it was a shocker to lose Van and aside from the loss his family and friends felt, it had a very profound impact on the creative dynamic of the group. We’ve been able to survive it, but the magical vocal blend and songwriting personality was forever changed.
Tell us about how the country music (or music industry in general) has changed since you first started performing?
For us it’s become more of a cottage industry that we have complete control of. Both from a creative and business standpoint. It’s liberating, but at the same time requires a great deal of day to day involvement.
Is there a single show that sticks out in your minds as your favorite of your entire career?
No not really. There are some that are more memorable like the Outlaws playing in Central Park NYC 1975 in front of over a hundred thousand people and broadcast live to another 2 or 3 million. In the case of BH Farm Aid in Louisville in 1996 was memorable. All shows have a very similar theme and the feeling they inspire is constantly rewarding.
If you could go on tour with any band in any genre for a summer, who would it be and why?
I think one person I’d like to share the stage with is John Mellencamp.
Who are some of your favorite people/groups you’ve toured with in the past?
I think in the case of BH early tours with Suzy Bogguss and Hal Ketchum were fun. The tour that helped launch the group was with Tim McGraw and Little Texas.
What are you guys doing when you aren’t playing music?
Writing it and recording it……
Tell us something about you guys that most people wouldn’t expect?
There’s not much smoke and mirrors with BH. What you see is what you get…..